Sunday, February 27, 2011

Journal Entry 17

That Thundercat Lunchbox my men snagged? Instantly sold for around 40 bucks. As for that totem pole, well, it makes for a lovely bathroom decore- Anyway, so all of yesterday I had a sort of lazy day: I had a few henchmen go out to get Oscar some .. Hedge hog food, a few others to round up some demons to blast them to smitherines, a failed attempt at laundry, and an enjoyable lunch of a ham and cheese sandwhich, I decided to lay off the chips..
Afterwards I decided to take a snooze (I had Charlie go out and mug a few shoppers from Bed, Bath, and Beyond and it turns out they had these satin sheets. The plush color lives up the place.) And here I awake a day later.. Sunday.

I really, really had to do something today, maybe take this pen out for another whirl. I was hoping to come across Captain ass wipe sometime soon, see the look on his face. HAH. I just had to do.. SOMETHING! I began to pace around my study, Oscar snug on my arm. Then he and I went out into the sitting room to admire the new furniture, it was extravegant! In awe of my new dining room table a henchman of mine shuffled in, drinking out of a paper cup- a fancy paper cup actually... "YOU THERE!" I bellowed, pointing at the henchman, "What is that?" The henchman lowered his decorated cup away from him. "'Tis a Caffe Misto, sire!" I snatched it away from him as he was to take another sip. I guess the cup wasn't all too great, really. It showed some broad with a crown and wavey hair on it. I think she's wearing a sweater.. Whatever it is upon the cup I decided to take a drink, I was feeling peckish.
Dare I say.. This fancy crap tasted good. Very good. It was milky, warm.. Had a sweet auroma. I held the cup before me, turning it around to find that woman. "..Starbucks." I read outloud, tossing the cup back at the henchman. I smack my lips, "Star.. Bucks.." I repeated, really having no clue of these words. "Henchman, I've taken a liking to your beverage, where did you find it!?" The little man babbled on about some cafe at the corner of some street. So this Starbucks is near me it seems.. So with that I found out what I was to do today.
Go to Starbucks.

Cafe's are usually harmless, from what I know, but Captain kiss ass could of been out and about. I at the moment didn't feel like dealing with him and his tights. I took three henchmen and Charlie, who by the way was wearing a very nice black turtle neck. It really suits him.. Maybe I should get a turtle neck too, a black and a kashmir type..

We made it to Starbucks. It was a decent sized place, and by the looks of people running in and our the door, along with a few who sat outside on their laptops, or reading some type of useless book, it was a very busy place. I was thinking of how to get in.. There's much glass all around the store, a roof.. But for once I didn't really feel like causing a wreckus, so I went in right though the main entrance. (However, I did blast the door off with my pen. I had to do something.) It was very relaxing in this place. No sort of pastels, just browns and tans, low lights, comfy chairs, and of course the smell of coffee. But what a line! It was mostly full of these kids in sweatshirts, unbearably tight jeans and these strange, clothy.. boots? I think.. Whatever they are they were making my eyes hurt. So with a clap of my hands I instantly summoned small bolts of lightning to the people's feet, the horribly created footwear vanishing from sight! And what did I know, I was up to order! I scanned the rather large menu above my head, all these weird little words with 'chino' and 'frap' were at the end of everything. Frapcoffee, coffeechino, chocolatefrap, chinomint, blah, blah, blah. The woman at the counter stared at me blankely, as if she wanted something from me. Charlie gave me a nudge, telling me to place my order- that being the chico matter frap cafe malto.. That thing I had earlier! I didn't leave with just a lousy cup of coffee, oh no. See, remember my ability to teleport? After much sleep, planning and thinking, I conjured up the idea of teleporting objects with me- I also had four other men with me, so it shouldn't be so hard! I had Charlie hold my chinofrap as I hopped over the counter and to the machine which craft this delicious beverage. My henchmen followed, I told them to grab ahold of some equipment and me- we'll be back for the workers later. With a mightly clap of my hands WE POOFED!

Now, I sit here with Oscar in my lap, enjoying my third muchofrappchino as I do some writting and enjoy the fresh coffee smell and cries of the Starbucks workers in my new addition to my place.

What a great day!

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