Thursday, February 10, 2011

Journal entry 4

I have given these a very simple title. It will no longer publish as (No Title) because I will be giving it this title!

Today's kind of a boring journal entry so you might as well skip to another one...

So as I said yesterday I stayed home today. No heisting, no robberies, no nothing. Just me and the television we have downstairs and some books. I do not watch those sissy shows like "days of our lives" or "as time turns' or some bullshit like that! Super villains have their own network and their own line of programming. I am an avid fan of "the end of days," a very popular korean super villain soap opera. Dong the shogun meisser confessed his love to kyung-soon of the ninth realm, but kyung-soon is holding the child of the shogun meissers most hated rival, the shaolin opressor! How could she do that to him!? They had something special! And she threw it all away! That TRAMP.

Well after my shows I decided to make myself a sandwich. However I have never made myself a sandwich in over twenty years so I... had to ask one of the students of shadow for help. I wanted to make myself a sandwich of pure horror! But all we had was roast beef and gouda cheese. We got the gouda when we went on vacation in holland with the clogger. I got myself some nice wooden slippers engraved with three menacing Ms stacked on one another. I still have them actually. Anyways, so I told the henchmen that I would make my sandwich today. Usually they make it for me but I was feeling adventurous today!! I admit I did struggle a little... didn't quite know where all of it went on the bread.... So I tried all of the meat on the top and the bread in the middle, and showed one of the students of the night. Amazingly he knew how to make a simple sandwich!! I knew I kept these henchmen around for a reason. Now the henchmen usually sprinkle some nice chips of the potatoe variant on top of my sandwich, so I hunted high and low in the kitchen to see where they hide the chips of the potatoe variant! Specifically, the bar be que kind!

Now that I think of it... why are they called bar be que... they do not contain barbs of any kind... Oh well. I proceeded back to my television to watch the super villain hockey match! It was the mad scientists against the black ice. The black ice happens to be my favorite team in the SVHL. However... the final score was 2-4. My only question is... WHAT GAME WHERE THE REFFS WATCHING!? I SHALL SEND EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEIR SOULS TO THE KLUKRAKKA OF NETHREL!!!!

So after  my fit with the television I decided to roam my lair. Now normally it is a very pleasant place with fine carpets, velvet draped ropes guarding my precious paintings of summoning circles and great dark magicians. Unfortunately today it was ruined by the sweet scent of the horrible and most wretched herb that destroys the ability to summon spells successfully: Marijuana! I followed it's horrid scent using my 5th sight, and it lead me to the henchmen locker room. And there I found it!!! Three of my students of the night smoking and laughing and carrying on! I made my presence known by turning the bench they were sitting on into chicken fingers! (I was getting hungry for some reason...) They all collapsed into the pile of delicious crispy chicken goodness! "STAND AT ATTENTION!" I yelled with the force of a thousand sons! They stood there, sweating, nervous. I glared at them, and they knew all what I had to say from the force of my dark and menacing glare. I took the bag and incinerated it right there! And suddenly I felt quite calm.... which is odd considering my angry fury of my henchmen. I told them they were grounded and told them no henching for a month! They hopefully learned their lesson, and I had a much better appreciation for those lovely velvet ropes... so soft...

And then I finished out the day with more television watching, a nice book with a glass of milk and my pipe, and went to bed around 10 PM. Nice quiet day, because tomorrow, I plan to attack them at dawn!!! Or maybe after breakfast.

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