Friday, February 18, 2011

Journal entry 11

So I went to my therapy session with the other triple M. Bad move. He turned my therapist into a three headed frog (i called him toaderus.) I had to change him back and then he told me either leave or take the parrot back home and come back. I had to poof back home and back to therapy, rather annoyingly... He then asked me why he would bring a copy cat parrot home to a magicians home, and how that made any sense. Sheesh, someone was grumpy....

After the usual talks I told him I was having bad nightmares. And I have been. All with mother. Mothers face would be on monsters or men I fight. He gave me a prescription, take them when I have the mommy dreams, he said. I can't believe this... I have to take pills... I've never taken pills before, not even for head aches. I drove to the pharmacy, a strange, silent white place, with people working behind a counter, and book shelves filled with... not books. A short man wearing a white laboratory coat gave me a small white bag with something inside of it. I quickly drove home to stare at the orange and white bottle. Pills, huh....

Nevermind, I said, I have things planned for today and so shall it be done! There was a movie I wanted to see at the little rock movie theater, called the sanctum. I had hoped it was about necromancers but it was about some pricks getting lost in a hole. I am never going to see another movie in a theater again...

Well after that I decided to start one of our lessons early today. I taught the students how to use bael fire. It's quite simple, really, you just focus on your target and make fire appear. How hard is that? Apparently difficult because many students lit themselves on fire... Luckily I know how to use ice mist, and it makes a wonderful fire extinguisher.  So after that failure I thought now would be a great time to teach them how to levitate! Yes... levitation... much safer... what could go wrong... Many students launched themselves into the air, usually upside down, god knows why... So then I thought now would be a perfect time to meditate! Yes, safe meditation.... HALF OF MY STUDENTS FELL ASLEEP!! I made a loud thunderclap and a fourth of them crapped themselves!! After that I stormed out and to my study, where I could spend time with oscar, my hedge hog.

Honestly not much happened today... it's another one of -those- days... Tomorrow I'm planning a heist so, stay tuned!

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